Ohio Street United Methodist Church in Butler, MO

New date because of the snow!
Monthly video game day starting

Wednesday February 26 2025
3:45 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.

Open to all school age youth!
You must register below to attend.

Signup for the event here

Welcome to Ohio Street United Methodist Church in Butler, Missouri. We’re so glad that you are here! We are a community of Christian believers who love Jesus Christ and who want to share that hope with others. God loves you so much and has a great plan for your life! Please join us Sundays for our church service at 8:30 a.m. and Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Hot coffee is served in the foyer before our service.

Pastor Julie Nelson at Ohio Street United Methodist Church in Butler, MO

Check out Miss Maizee & Mrs Sermonator on Facebook for info on scripture for this week!

Want to join us online for worship? We will be live on Facebook every Sunday morning.

Ohio Street United Methodist Church exists to connect with people where they are, demonstrate a relationship with Jesus Christ, and cultivate a pathway for growth so that we may discover our gifts in ministry together and glorify God with our lives.

Feeding the Community in Body and Soul